Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No Way, No How, Not Here -

NEW DELHI There are nine bodies — all of them young men — that have been lying in a Mumbai hospital morgue since Nov. 29. They may be stranded there for a while because no local Muslim charity is willing to bury them in its cemetery. This is good news. The nine are the Pakistani Muslim terrorists who went on an utterly senseless killing rampage in Mumbai on 26/11 — India’s 9/11 — gunning down more than 170 people, including 33 Muslims, scores of Hindus, as well as Christians and Jews. It was killing for killing’s sake. They didn’t even bother to leave a note. All nine are still in the morgue because the leadership of India’s Muslim community has called them by their real name — “murderers” not “martyrs” — and is refusing to allow them to be buried in the main Muslim cemetery of Mumbai, the 7.5-acre Bada Kabrastan graveyard, run by the Muslim Jama Masjid Trust. “People who committed this heinous crime cannot be called Muslim,” Hanif Nalkhande, a spokesman for the trust, told The Times of London. Eventually, one assumes, they will have to be buried, but the Mumbai Muslims remain defiant. “Indian Muslims are proud of being both Indian and Muslim, and the Mumbai terrorism was a war against both India and Islam,” explained M.J. Akbar, the Indian-Muslim editor of Covert, an Indian investigative journal. “Terrorism has no place in Islamic doctrine. The Koranic term for the killing of innocents is ‘fasad.’ Terrorists are fasadis, not jihadis. In a beautiful verse, the Koran says that the killing of an innocent is akin to slaying the whole community. Since the ... terrorists were neither Indian nor true Muslims, they had no right to an Islamic burial in an Indian Muslim cemetery.” To be sure, Mumbai’s Muslims are a vulnerable minority in a predominantly Hindu country. Nevertheless, their in-your-face defiance of the Islamist terrorists stands out. It stands out against a dismal landscape of predominantly Sunni Muslim suicide murderers who have attacked civilians in mosques and markets — from Iraq to Pakistan to Afghanistan — but who have been treated by mainstream Arab media, like Al Jazeera, or by extremist Islamist spiritual leaders and Web sites, as “martyrs” whose actions deserve praise. Extolling or excusing suicide militants as “martyrs” has only led to this awful phenomenon — where young Muslim men and women are recruited to kill themselves and others — spreading wider and wider. What began in a targeted way in Lebanon and Israel has now proliferated to become an almost weekly occurrence in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is a threat to any open society because when people turn themselves into bombs, they can’t be deterred, and the measures needed to interdict them require suspecting and searching everyone at any public event. And they are a particular threat to Muslim communities. You can’t build a healthy society on the back of suicide-bombers, whose sole objective is to wreak havoc by exclusively and indiscriminately killing as many civilians as possible. If suicide-murder is deemed legitimate by a community when attacking its “enemies” abroad, it will eventually be used as a tactic against “enemies” at home, and that is exactly what has happened in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The only effective way to stop this trend is for “the village” — the Muslim community itself — to say “no more.” When a culture and a faith community delegitimizes this kind of behavior, openly, loudly and consistently, it is more important than metal detectors or extra police. Religion and culture are the most important sources of restraint in a society. That’s why India’s Muslims, who are the second-largest Muslim community in the world after Indonesia’s, and the one with the deepest democratic tradition, do a great service to Islam by delegitimizing suicide-murderers by refusing to bury their bodies. It won’t stop this trend overnight, but it can help over time. “The Muslims of Bombay deserve to be congratulated in taking this important decision,” Raashid Alvi, a Muslim member of India’s Parliament from the Congress Party, said to me. “Islam says that if you commit suicide, then even after death you will be punished.” The fact that Indian Muslims have stood up in this way is surely due, in part, to the fact that they live in, are the product of and feel empowered by a democratic and pluralistic society. They are not intimidated by extremist religious leaders and are not afraid to speak out against religious extremism in their midst. It is why so few, if any, Indian Muslims are known to have joined Al Qaeda. And it is why, as outrageously expensive and as uncertain the outcome, trying to build decent, pluralistic societies in places like Iraq is not as crazy as it seems. It takes a village, and without Arab-Muslim societies where the villagers feel ownership over their lives and empowered to take on their own extremists — militarily and ideologically — this trend will not go away.

Grisley Hamas Tactics

The following is a column written by Alan Dershowitz, a law professor at Harvard, that appeared in the South Florida Sun Sentinel:
The current temporary cease-fire - whether it lasts a week or a year - will save lives in the short run, but it may end up costing more lives if it is not accompanied by an unequivocal rejection of the Hamas tactic that provoked this war. Unless Hamas is permanently disarmed and rendered incapable of smuggling more rockets into Gaza, this terrorist group will always have the upper hand. Whenever it chooses, it can provoke Israel into retaliating by firing rockets indiscriminately into Israeli civilian areas and playing Russian roulette with the lives of its children. It can also cause Israel to kill Palestinian children by simply continuing to use civilians as human shields. Many Israelis today share a view expressed by Golda Meir many years ago when she said toPalestinian terrorists: "We can perhaps someday forgive you for killing our children, but we can never forgive you for making us kill your children." That, in a nutshell, is the difference between the morality of Israel and the immorality of Hamas. Israel mourns the death of every child, Palestinian as well as Israeli, whereas Hamas celebrates the death of everychild, whether an Israeli killed by one of their rockets or Palestinian made a martyr by Hamas using him or her as a human shield. The best we can hope for is an interim two-state solution between the Palestinian Authoritywhich governs the West Bank, and Israel. The West Bank could be turned into a "WestBerlin" as contrasted with Gaza's "East Berlin". A Marshall Plan for a peaceful West Bank might then demonstrate to the citizens of Gaza the peace dividend they could reap fromgiving up their futile dreams of destroying Israel. This is a propitious time to explore this option. President Obama. because of his heritage, is likely to be trusted more than his predecessor by the Muslim world. It is also a propitious time because Israel has dealt a devastating blow to the Hamas, even if it has not completely destroyed their capacity to launch rockets. Israel can only make peace from aposition of strength, and the Palestinians will only make peace from a position of weakness.


Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide .. Let's see now...
No Jesus.
No Christmas.
No television.
No car races.
No football.
No golf.
No K Mart.
No BBQ pork.
No hot dogs.
No burgers.
No lobster.
No shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks.
No nachos.
No Beer nuts.
Rags for clothes and towels for hats.
Constant wailing from the guy in the tower.
More than one wife!
You can't shave.
Your wives can't shave.
The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times.
Your bride is picked by someone else.
Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!

I mean, really, is there a mystery here?


Jesus Christ was crucified within one day. Although President
Bush has done everything within his power to keep us safe
from terrorist attacks since 9-11, his crucifixion has lasted
eight years.

Unlike Jesus, President Bush cannot walk on water, make the
lame walk, the blind see or raise the dead, but let not your
hearts be troubled, my brethren. The Annointed One is here.

He walks among us, and we call him President Obama. Now
let the miracles begin!

Petey Demirgian, Weston

Not keeling over

Here are comments from a few Americans which shows there are still some thinking Americans who are not keeling over mesmerized by the charismatic messiah from Chicago:-

Debra Savitz of North Lauderdale writes:

"..I am seeing the color red! I am a Jewish registered Democrat, and Obama's skin color has nothing to do with why I am not voting for him. It infuriates me that people are prejudiced over John McCain's age, but no one says anything about it. Or that many blacks are voting for Obama just because he is black.

Obama could be white and Jewish, and I would not vote for him. I disagree with his policies. Taxing businesses and the middle class will not improve this economy but instead cripple it. Obama is trying to make America become a socialist nation when this country is based on capitalism.

I am sick of working hard to support "the less fortunate", many of whom are capable of getting a job. If Obama is so compassionate about the poor, then I would suggest he should have taken the millions he spent on campaign ads and write a check to every poor person in this country.

Yes, he has a fancy Harvard degree, but has no experience and no voting record. And he is no friend to Israel or the Jews. So I don't see the color of Obama's skin either. What I see is a wolf in sheep's clothing."

Nick Naples of Ft Lauderdale writes:

"Those who see Palin's wardrobe as an issue are actually going to vote for someone to lead this nation. God help us all."


What's happening in the West, especially in countries like Britain, France, Germany and Holland (and to a lesser extent, but gaining momentum, here in America) is frightening; how the Islamists are encroaching and making their presence felt in the fabric of Western society. And these stupid elite eggheads, these bleeding heart socialists, are enabling them by mollycoddling them and bending over backwards, to "accommodate" them and make them feel welcome and comfortable among our midst.

I guess it'll take another attack, one more deadly than 9-11, to make these complacent idiots wake up. By then it may be too late. But hopefully, we could count of the kook fringe elements of gun-toting rednecks to pick off the Muslims one by one, unfortunately when and if that happens, there would be a lot of collateral damage, as they might shoot to kill any one who is brown-skinned or wearing a "towel" round their heads or sporting a "full-on" beard as they wouldn't have a clue as to how to differentiate between a Sikh and a Taliban or an Orthodox rabbi from a raving mullah!....

Already in Miami-Dade and Broward counties CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), a HAMAS affliate, is blitzing South Florida with ads on public buses: One ad reads: 'ISLAM. GOT QUESTIONS? GET ANSWERS." and listing a 1-800 number manned by experts on Islam who will answer callers' questions. Another ad on buses says: 'ISLAM: THE WAY OF LIFE OF ABRAHAM, MOSES, JESUS AND MUHAMMAD."

AAH (Americans Against Hate) has called the message offensive to both Jews and Christians, as they imply that Abraham, Moses and Jesus, were practicing Muslims, and are solely part of Islam. So far the cowardly members of the Miami-Dade and Broward county commission have refused to order the ads taken down. Apparently it is quite alright to hurt or offend Christians and Jews but sacriligious to offend or annoy Muslims! This is a typical example of how spinless dunderheads in America are bending over and holding their feet for these Muslim fanatics.

I reprint below comments on a blog from CJin, VA: "I wish CAIR would spend their Saudi
dollars promoting their peaceful Islamic teachings to other Muslims. Whether I (an American infidel) believe the Koran promotes violence or not doesn't matter a hill of beans in the
greater scheme of world history. The problem is that apparently so many Muslims somehow
find orders to kill others in their religious texts. Let CAIR convince THEM the Koran doesn't promote violence. If Islamic terrorism ended tomorrow, so would the belief that Islam promotes violence. After all, when was the last time anyone accused the Amish of practicing
a violent religion?".....

The more you contemplate the future of this country, the more Robin Williams' plan makes sense. But which politician in America will have the intestinal fortitude to implement it?.......