Tuesday, February 24, 2009


What's happening in the West, especially in countries like Britain, France, Germany and Holland (and to a lesser extent, but gaining momentum, here in America) is frightening; how the Islamists are encroaching and making their presence felt in the fabric of Western society. And these stupid elite eggheads, these bleeding heart socialists, are enabling them by mollycoddling them and bending over backwards, to "accommodate" them and make them feel welcome and comfortable among our midst.

I guess it'll take another attack, one more deadly than 9-11, to make these complacent idiots wake up. By then it may be too late. But hopefully, we could count of the kook fringe elements of gun-toting rednecks to pick off the Muslims one by one, unfortunately when and if that happens, there would be a lot of collateral damage, as they might shoot to kill any one who is brown-skinned or wearing a "towel" round their heads or sporting a "full-on" beard as they wouldn't have a clue as to how to differentiate between a Sikh and a Taliban or an Orthodox rabbi from a raving mullah!....

Already in Miami-Dade and Broward counties CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), a HAMAS affliate, is blitzing South Florida with ads on public buses: One ad reads: 'ISLAM. GOT QUESTIONS? GET ANSWERS." and listing a 1-800 number manned by experts on Islam who will answer callers' questions. Another ad on buses says: 'ISLAM: THE WAY OF LIFE OF ABRAHAM, MOSES, JESUS AND MUHAMMAD."

AAH (Americans Against Hate) has called the message offensive to both Jews and Christians, as they imply that Abraham, Moses and Jesus, were practicing Muslims, and are solely part of Islam. So far the cowardly members of the Miami-Dade and Broward county commission have refused to order the ads taken down. Apparently it is quite alright to hurt or offend Christians and Jews but sacriligious to offend or annoy Muslims! This is a typical example of how spinless dunderheads in America are bending over and holding their feet for these Muslim fanatics.

I reprint below comments on a blog from CJin, VA: "I wish CAIR would spend their Saudi
dollars promoting their peaceful Islamic teachings to other Muslims. Whether I (an American infidel) believe the Koran promotes violence or not doesn't matter a hill of beans in the
greater scheme of world history. The problem is that apparently so many Muslims somehow
find orders to kill others in their religious texts. Let CAIR convince THEM the Koran doesn't promote violence. If Islamic terrorism ended tomorrow, so would the belief that Islam promotes violence. After all, when was the last time anyone accused the Amish of practicing
a violent religion?".....

The more you contemplate the future of this country, the more Robin Williams' plan makes sense. But which politician in America will have the intestinal fortitude to implement it?.......

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