Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not keeling over

Here are comments from a few Americans which shows there are still some thinking Americans who are not keeling over mesmerized by the charismatic messiah from Chicago:-

Debra Savitz of North Lauderdale writes:

"..I am seeing the color red! I am a Jewish registered Democrat, and Obama's skin color has nothing to do with why I am not voting for him. It infuriates me that people are prejudiced over John McCain's age, but no one says anything about it. Or that many blacks are voting for Obama just because he is black.

Obama could be white and Jewish, and I would not vote for him. I disagree with his policies. Taxing businesses and the middle class will not improve this economy but instead cripple it. Obama is trying to make America become a socialist nation when this country is based on capitalism.

I am sick of working hard to support "the less fortunate", many of whom are capable of getting a job. If Obama is so compassionate about the poor, then I would suggest he should have taken the millions he spent on campaign ads and write a check to every poor person in this country.

Yes, he has a fancy Harvard degree, but has no experience and no voting record. And he is no friend to Israel or the Jews. So I don't see the color of Obama's skin either. What I see is a wolf in sheep's clothing."

Nick Naples of Ft Lauderdale writes:

"Those who see Palin's wardrobe as an issue are actually going to vote for someone to lead this nation. God help us all."

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